
Logo for The Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Public Life Logo for The Program in Hellenic Studies Logo for The Justice-in-Education Initiative Logo for Columbia Global Centers Logo for MGSA

The 2023 Leros Humanism Seminars/LSH are presented by
Columbia University

  • The Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Public Life
    • Department of Religion
  • Program in Hellenic Studies
    • Department of Classics
  • Justice Forum
    • Justice-in-Education Initiative, Society of Fellows and the Heyman Center for the Humanities
  • Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought
    • Columbia Law School
  • Columbia Global Centers, Athens
  • Modern Greek Studies Association

with support from:

  • Florida Atlantic University
  • The General State Archives, Local Historical Archive of Leros
  • Historical Archive of Leros
  • Panteion University
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Thessaly
  • Cultural and Educational Association “Artemis” of Leros

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